Showing posts with label Ancient Prayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ancient Prayers. Show all posts


Ancient Prayers On The Resurrection

O God, who by your only-begotten Son has overcome death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life, grant us, we ask you, that we who celebrate the solemnities of our Lord's resurrection may by the renewing of your Spirit arise from the death of the soul; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. [Amen.] The Gelasian Sacramentary 

"O God, who for redemption have your only - begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection has delivered us from the power of the enemy, Grant us to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with him, in the joy of the resurrection, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."  - Gregory the Great


A Prayer For Repentance by Cyprian

We pray and we entreat God, whom those men [persecutors] do not cease to provoke and exasperate, that they may soften their hearts, that they may return to health of mind when this madness has been put aside, that their hearts, filled with the darkness of sin, may recognize the light of repentance, and that they may rather seek that the intercession and prayers of the bishop be poured out for themselves than that they themselves shed the blood of the bishop.
—Cyprian (d. 258)


Eternal God, the Refuge of All Your Children: Boniface (675-754 A.D.)

Eternal God,
the refuge of all Your children,
in our weakness, You are our strength,
in our darkness our light,
in our sorrow our comfort and peace.
May we always live in Your presence,
and serve You in our daily lives,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Boniface (675-754 A.D.)


A Martyrs Prayer: Irenaeus of Sirmium

Thanks be to you, Lord Jesus Christ: in all my trials and sufferings you have given me the strength to stand firm; in your mercy you have granted me a share of eternal glory.

— Irenaeus of Sirmium prior to his martyrdom under Diocletian c. 304 C.E.


A Celtic Prayer


Christ, as a light
illumine and guide me.
Christ, as a shield
overshadow me.
Christ under me;
Christ over me;
Christ beside me
on my left and my right.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.
Be in the heart of each to whom I speak;
in the mouth of each who speaks unto me.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.
Christ as a light;
Christ as a shield;
Christ beside me
on my left and my right.


No Other King But Christ: A Prayer of Bernard of Clairvaux

O Lord,
Come quickly and reign on Your throne,
for now often something rises up within me,
and tries to take possession of Your throne;
pride, covetousness, uncleanness, and sloth
want to be my kings;
and then evil-speaking, anger, hatred,
and the whole train of vices join with me
in warring against myself,
and try to reign over me.
I resist them,
I cry out against them,
“I have no other king than Christ!”
O King of Peace,
come and reign in me,
for I will have no king but You!
Bernard of Clairvaux, 1090-1153


I Believe So That I May Understand by Anselm of Canterbury

Jul 27, 2014 | Trevin Wax
I confess, Lord, with thanksgiving,
that You have made me in Your image,
so that I can remember You,
think of You,
and love You.
But that image is so worn and blotted out by faults,
and darkened by the smoke of sin,
that it cannot do that for which it was made,
unless You renew and refashion it.
Lord, I am not trying to make my way to Your height,
for my understanding is in no way equal to that,
but I do desire to understand a little of Your truth
which my heart already believes and loves.
I do not seek to understand so that I can believe,
but I believe so that I may understand;
and what is more,
I believe that unless I do believe,
I shall not understand.
Anselm of Canterbury


Come Thou Holy Spirit: A Latin Hymn From The 13th century

Jun 08, 2014 | Trevin Wax
Come, thou Holy Spirit, come:
And from thy celestial home send thy light and brilliancy.
Come, thou father of the poor,
Come, who givest all our store,
Come, the soul’s true radiancy.
Come, of comforters the best, of the soul the sweetest guest,
sweetly and refreshingly.
Come in labour rest most sweet,
shade and coolness in the heat, comfort in adversity.
Thou who art the light most blest,
come, fulfill their inmost breast, who believe most faithfully.
For without thy Godhead’s dower,
man hath nothing in his power, save to work iniquity.
What is filthy make thou pure,
what is wounded work its cure,
water what is parched and dry.
Gently bend the stubborn will,
warm to life the heart that’s chill,
guide who goeth erringly.
Fill thy faithful who adore,
and confess thee evermore,
with thy seven-fold mystery.
Here thy grace and virtue send,
grant salvation in the end, and in heaven felicity.  Amen.
Latin hymn from the 13th century


Divine Assistance: A prayer of St. Catherine of Siena

"You, light, give us light.
You, wisdom, give us wisdom.
You, supreme strength, strengthen us. 
Today, eternal God,
let our cloud be dissipated
so that we may perfectly know and follow your Truth in truth,
with a free and simple heart.
God, come to our assistance!
Lord, make haste to help us!"



Enlighten Us: A Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

"Most High, Glorious God, enlighten the darkness of our minds.
Give us a right faith, a firm hope and a perfect charity,
so that we may always and in all things act according to Your Holy will. Amen." 

-St. Francis of Assisi


The Greatness Of Christ: A Prayer by Ignatius of Antioch

Please pray for me,that I may have both spiritual and physical strength to perform my duties; that I may not only speak the truth but become the truth; that I may not only be called a Christian, but also live like a Christian.Yet I do not want people to look to me as an example,for at best I can only be a pale reflection of Christ Jesus; let people look away from the reflection and turn to the reality. Christianity is not a matter of persuading people of particular ideas, but of inviting them to share in the greatness of Christ. So pray that I may never fall into the trap of impressing people with clever speech, but instead I may learn to speak with humility, desiring only to impress people with Christ himself.

- Ignatius of Antioch, 35-108 A. D.


Give Us Your Spirit: A Prayer of Apollonius

O Lord Jesus Christ,
give us Your Spirit
that we may be enabled
to obey Your teaching:
to pacify anger,
to take part in pity,
to moderate desire,
to increase love,
to put away sorrow,
to cast away vain glory,
not to be vindictive,
not to fear death;
ever entrusting our spirit to the immortal God
who with You and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns
world without end.

Apollonius, 170-245 A.D.


Meditate on The Word: A Prayer From Jerome

Lord, thou hast given us thy Word for a light to shine upon our path; grant us so to meditate on that Word, and to follow its teaching, that we may find in it the light that shines more and more until the perfect day; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 



Saint Augustine's Prayers To The Holy Spirit: Day 3

"O HOLY SPIRIT, sweet Guest of my soul, abide in me, and grant that I may ever abide in Thee. Amen."

 - St. Augustine


Saint Augustine's Prayers To The Holy Spirit: Day 2

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen.

- Saint Agustine


Saint Augustine's Prayers To The Holy Spirit: Day 1

Holy Spirit, powerful Consoler, sacred Bond of the Father and the Son. Hope of the afflicted, descend into my heart and establish in it your loving dominion. Enkindle in my tepid soul the fire of your love so that I may be wholly subject to you. We believe that when you dwell in us, you also prepare a dwelling for the Father and the Son. Deign, therefore, to come to me, consoler of abandoned souls, and protector of the needy. Help the afflicted, strengthen the weak, and support the wavering. Come and purify me. Let no evil desire take possession of me. You love the humble and resist the proud. Come to me, glory of the living, and hope of the dying. Lead me by your grace that I may always be pleasing to you. Amen. 

- Saint Augustine


A Prayer Peace: A Syrian Clementine Liturgy

O God, Who are the unsearchable abyss of peace, the ineffable sea of love, the fountain of blessings, and the giver of affection, Who sends peace to those that receive it; open to us this day the sea of Your love, and water us with the plenteous streams from the riches of Your grace. Make us children of quietness, and heirs of peace. Kindle in us the fire of Your love; sow in us Your fear; strengthen our weakness by Your power; bind us closely to You and to each other in one firm bond of unity; for the sake of Jesus Christ. AMEN.

--Syrian Clementine Liturgy


A Prayer For Spiritual Fruit by Polycrap

"May God the Father, and the Eternal High Priest Jesus Christ, build us up in faith and truth and love, and grant to us our portion among the saints with all those who believe on our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for all saints, for kings and rulers, for the enemies of the Cross of Christ, and for ourselves we pray that our fruit may abound and we may be made perfect in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen."



Inflame Our Hearts: A Prayer of Francis of Assisi

Almighty, eternal, just and merciful God,
Grant us the desire to do only what pleases You,
and the strength to do only what You command.
Cleanse our souls,
enlighten our minds,
and inflame our hearts with Your Holy Spirit,
that we may follow in the footsteps of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
- Francis of Assisi


Light Eternal, Shine in My Heart by Alcuin of York, 735-804 A.D.

Give me, O Lord, I ask You,
firm faith, unwavering hope, perfect charity.
Pour into my heart
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and spiritual strength,
the Spirit of knowledge and true godliness,
and the Spirit of Your holy fear.

Light eternal, shine in my heart.
Power eternal, deliver me from evil.
Wisdom eternal, scatter the darkness of my ignorance.
Might eternal, pity me.

Grant that I may ever seek Your face
with all my heart and soul and strength;
and, in Your infinite mercy,
bring me at last to Your holy presence
where I shall behold Your glory
and possess Your promised joys.

- Alcuin of York, 735-804 A.D.

Pray for Five Friends #ThyKingdomCome