Showing posts with label Puritan Prayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puritan Prayers. Show all posts


Spiritual Warfare Prayer: The Valley Of Vision

" O God of my exodus, Great was the joy of Israel’s sons when Egypt died upon the shore, Far greater the joy when the Redeemer’s foe lay crushed in the dust! Jesus strides forth as the victor, conqueror of death, hell, and all opposing might; He bursts the bands of death, tramples the powers of darkness down, and lives forever. 

He, my gracious surety, apprehended for payment of my debt, comes forth from the prison house of the grave free, and triumphant over sin, Satan, and death. Show me the proof that his vicarious offering is accepted, that the claims of justice are satisfied, that the devil’s scepter is shivered, that his wrongful throne is leveled. 

Give me the assurance that in Christ I died, in him I rose, in his life I live, in his victory I triumph, in his ascension I shall be glorified."  - The Valley of Vision


May I Be Rich in the Riches of Your Word - Valley of Vision

Your Word is full of promises,
flowers of sweet fragrance,
fruit of refreshing flavor when culled by faith.
May I be rich in its riches,
be strong in its power,
be happy in its joy.
May I abide in its sweetness,
feast on its preciousness,
draw vigor from its manna.
Lord, increase my faith.
Valley of Vision (adapted)


Accept Jesus In My Place: A Puritan Prayer

O Lord of grace,

All Your lovingkindness is in Your Son,
I bring Him to You in the arms of faith,
I urge His saving name as the One who died for me.
I plead His blood to pay my debts of wrong.
Accept His worthiness for my unworthiness,
His sinlessness for my transgressions,
His purity for my uncleanness,
His sincerity for my guile,
His truth for my deceits,
His meekness for my pride,
His constancy for my backslidings,
His love for my enmity,
His fullness for my emptiness,
His faithfulness for my treachery,
His obedience for my lawlessness,
His glory for my shame,
His devotedness for my waywardness,
His holy life for my unchaste ways,
His righteousness for my dead works,
His death for my life.
Puritan Prayer


The God of All Grace

"Thou God of all grace, thou hast given me a Savior, 
produce in me a faith to live by him, to make him all my desire, 
all my hope, all my glory. Amen."

-The Valley of Vision


Deeper Trust: A Puritan Prayer

Give me a deeper trust, that I may lose myself to find myself in You, the ground of my rest, the spring of my being. Give me a deeper knowledge of Yourself as Savior, Master, Lord, and King. Give me deeper power in private prayer, more sweetness in Your Word, more steadfast grip on its truth. Give me deeper holiness in speech, thought, action, and let me not seek moral virtue apart from You. 

-The Valley of Vision

Oswald Chambers: The Art Of Prayer

  "Mastering the art of prayer, like anything else, takes time. The time we give it will be a true measure of its importance to us. All...