
Jesus Speaks Clearly About Prayer by Dudley Hall

In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

John 16:23-24 (ESV)

"The transfer is about to take place. Jesus has been modeling what life on earth looks like when lived in fellowship with the Father. He is only a few hours away from the most glorious and tragic event in history when redemption will be purchased and the passage way cleared for his disciples to have the same relationship he has enjoyed right before their eyes.

"That day" is very close to them at this point. The disciples have looked for the day when God would judge righteously against the wicked and for the good. They expect it to have immediate military, political, and economic dimensions. It isn't going to play out the way they anticipated, but the day is coming quickly and the ramifications for the disciples are enormous. They will have the same access to the Father that Jesus has demonstrated for them. They will be able to do the works of God as they represent the Son on earth.

Just as Jesus had no need to beg, they will not beg or bribe the Father. He doesn't have to be convinced. He initiated this whole arrangement. They don't have to go through intermediaries. No lieutenant is going to stop them from entering the main office. No personal assistant is going to give them the runaround. They will have the attention a Father gives to his only Son.

They will have to adopt a new perspective. They have depended upon Jesus to relate to the Father and they have lived on what he received. But he is leaving now, and they will have to get accustomed to asking on their own. It will not be easy to believe that the Father loves them as much as he loves the Son. It will not be easy to believe that they can hear his voice and see his hand like the Son.

Circumstances will assist them. They are about to enter the world of intense warfare. Everything they thought was nailed down will come lose. They will be forced to pray. They cannot do what they are called to do with just some lessons they learned from Jesus while walking with him on earth. They will need to trust the Father. It is the only way they can survive. They will find him faithful. He is anxious to show them how much he loves them and how willing he is to answer their prayers as they carry out the work initiated by the Son.

We have the advantage of their testimony. They changed the world around them. They lived in victory and died in triumph. The sword did not deter them, and the courts could not intimidate them. The lived by asking the Father in Jesus' name.

We are the recipients of the same privilege. We have been given the name of Jesus and the invitation of the Father. He promised that it was the way to fullness of joy. No other way will get us there."

Oswald Chambers: The Art Of Prayer

  "Mastering the art of prayer, like anything else, takes time. The time we give it will be a true measure of its importance to us. All...