
A Prayer For Thanksgiving by Dr. Peter Marshall

A prayer for Thanksgiving:

Lord God of Heaven, Who hath so lavishly blessed this our beloved land, make us, Thy people, to be humble. Keep us ever aware that these things have come from Thee, and that Thou has lent them to us. Impress upon our smugness the knowledge that we are not owners but stewards, and remind us, lest we become filled with conceit, that one day a reckoning will be required of us. Sanctify our love of country, that our boasting may be turned into humility and our pride into a ministry to all men everywhere. Teach us that Thou dost love them as well as us, and make America thy servant, Thy chosen channel of blessing to all lands, lest we be cast out, and our place be given to another. Make this God's country by making us willing to live like God's people.

Dr. Peter Marshall
December 12, 1946

Oswald Chambers: The Art Of Prayer

  "Mastering the art of prayer, like anything else, takes time. The time we give it will be a true measure of its importance to us. All...