
Don't Stop Praying by Richard Trader

Don't Stop Praying

"Pray without ceasing."

1 Thessalonians 5:17

A certain man had lived a self-centered life, focused on nothing more than his own pleasure. He had been abusive to his wife and neglected his family. One day he shocked his wife by saying, "I want to turn my life around. I need God." The wife was so happy. She invited her pastor to come to their home to talk with her husband. The pastor explained to him how God would forgive all of his sins and change his heart. They had prayer together. The man told the pastor that he wanted to be baptized and join the church. After the pastor left, the man sat with his head down as he wept. His wife said, "Honey, I don't understand. I thought that you would be happy." He said, "Oh, I am, but I wish my mother had lived to see this day. She always prayed for me."

It's easy to get discouraged in prayer, when we don't see immediate results. We prefer to have our prayers answered immediately, but it doesn't always happen that way. The apostle Paul exhorted believers to "pray without ceasing."  Don't give up. Don't let up. Pray with persistence and perseverance.

Have you been praying for someone without seeing results? Have you been praying about a personal problem without a change of circumstances? "Pray without ceasing." Just because we see no visible results does not mean that God has not heard our prayers. He always hears the prayer of faith. Surrender to God's will to answer your prayer in His time and His way. Don't stop praying.

Prayer: Father, we believe that You hear our prayers. We confess our impatience in prayer. We believe You are working to answer our prayers according to Your goodness, when we see results and when we don't. We pray without ceasing through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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