
Concerts Of Prayer - Prayer Meetings


For a  60 to 90 minute gathering.  There is no limit to the variations of flow and themes and the mix of prayer formats that can be put into a  Concert of  Prayer.  This is only one example. 

OPENING HYMN OR SONG PRAISE •  Short prayers of praise and thanks offered spontaneously from the group. •  

 PERSPECTIVE •  Brief teaching on the importance of united prayer. • People break into small groups and commit themselves to God. 

CONFESSION •  Individuals come to the mike to confess sins on behalf of the people. •  Silent prayers of confession. •  Song of surrender and confession. •  Declaration of God’s forgiveness and grace. • Song of victory and praise. 

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING (FULFILLMENT) •  Prayers in triads for spiritual awakening in your church. •  Prayers in groups of  7  to  12  for spiritual awakening in your city or town. •  Prayers from the front for spiritual awakening in the whole country. • Song of praise for God’s renewing power. Amen

WORLDWIDE MISSION (FULLNESS) •  Prayers from the front for  God’s kingdom to advance to all the nations. •  Prayers in groups of  7  to  12  for specific areas of need  (consider providing fact sheets or prayer cards about unreached peoples of the world). •  Open time of spontaneous prayers from the whole assembly for the advancement of the  Gospel. • Song or hymn with focus on world needs and worldwide mission.

 DECLARATION •  Encourage one or more people to testify about what  God has shown them through the Concert of Prayer. DEDICATION •  A prayer from the front dedicating the whole group to  God. •  Final song or hymn, declaring  God’s great victory. 

Oswald Chambers: The Art Of Prayer

  "Mastering the art of prayer, like anything else, takes time. The time we give it will be a true measure of its importance to us. All...