
New Creation Praying by Dudley Hall

"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving."

Colossians 4:2 (ESV)

We are examining the benefits of living in the new creation as described by Paul to the believers in Colossae. There is a distinct difference in the way unbelievers and those who are "in Christ " pray. The old creation perspective sees prayer as burdensome, at best. But for those who know Christ personally and understand a little of what it means to be God's sons on earth, prayer is a pleasant privilege.

Three words describe believer's prayer: faithful, watchful, and thankful. First, we are to be faithful and persistent in our prayers. God does not always answer the way we expect or in our timing. He seems to employ delay for the purpose of weaning us from our proclivity to control. He refuses to be reduced to the results of a formula. He will not allow us to define him as a vending machine waiting for us to insert the proper coin. He is more desirous of blessing us than we are of being blessed, but he insists on personal involvement and divine perspective. He wants to strengthen our relationship with him and he wants to open our eyes wider to a bigger mission than our own comfort and success.

He often waits as we pray because he likes to see us refine our own request. We impulsively request deliverance from pain and persecution immediately. He waits as we slowly begin to see how what was once thought trouble is now a blessing, and our requests change. At one time if God had given me the blank check to heaven and I could have asked for anything, I would have asked for good health, good education, good job, and good family. I figured I could take it from there and make a success in this world. He had higher blessings in store for me. He wanted to open my eyes to: forgiveness of sin, relationship to God through Jesus Christ, and the inheritance made real by the Holy Spirit. I am so glad he didn't allow me to settle for my limited and meager requests.

Secondly, new creation praying is watchful. That means we are paying attention to the many ways God answers as well as seeing clearly the issues we should be praying about. God is so anxious for us to partner with him; he gives us clues as to what to ask. Often, we are so panicky we can't see the clues. We are to watch and pray. Someone said that meant we are to pray with our eyes open. Maybe, but it sure means to pray with our spiritual eyes open. God will guide our praying, as well as grant our request, as we refuse to quit and purpose to believe.

Thirdly, we pray thankfully. We approach prayer, even before the request is made, with gratitude. We are grateful that God cares. We are thankful that he has made reconciliation possible. We are grateful that he has given us the name of Christ as our introduction and authority. We are thankful he has granted us the role of managing his earth with the promise of giving us the wisdom needed when we ask. We are grateful that he will take our bumbling prayers and answer them in a way that blesses us beyond our ability to petition.

Oswald Chambers: The Art Of Prayer

  "Mastering the art of prayer, like anything else, takes time. The time we give it will be a true measure of its importance to us. All...