
Praying For Gospel Penetration by Dudley Hall

"At the same time, pray also for us that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison--that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak."

Colossians 4:3-4(ESV)

We get to participate in the greatest project the earth has ever known. God himself has given us the assignment of taking the gospel to every place. It has the power to transform people and cultures. It is not only addressed to those who want to go to heaven when they die. It promises the restoration of all things which were negatively affected by the intrusion of sin. The gospel is the hope of international peace. It is the hope of economic stability. It is the hope of reconciliation between God and man--as well as between man and man. Nothing being done in government or science or social restructuring even comes close to the importance of proclaiming the gospel.

There is a problem. Much of the church does not believe this. If we should eavesdrop on the prayers of American church members, how much would we hear of praying for the success of the gospel? Are not most of our prayers centered on our desires for personal welfare? We even pray for our government officials to make the right decisions so we can live peaceably (and we should), but little mention is made of praying for an open door for the gospel to have an opportunity to affect situations. Some of us were trained to pray for missionaries, but we usually conclude that duty with a cursory: "And Lord bless the missionaries around the world."

Paul was in prison because he proclaimed a gospel that confronted his culture. It was radical. When embraced, it changed the culture. It upset things. He was more interested in the gospel having an open door for effectiveness than having an open door to the prison he occupied. In prison or out he would be doing the same thing. He had been captured by the message that the resurrected Christ could and would transform everything. Nothing else mattered. If the gospel is the only hope, then why not put everything possible into getting it out into the society.

He was convinced that prayer and proclamation went hand in hand. Sure God could have immediately enforced the judgment settled at the cross on the whole world. But he chose to give us the privilege of partnering with him to enforce the victory over sin, death, and hell. Paul believed that praying was necessary and effective in getting the job done. He was not as interested in marketing his ministry as in praying for the open door of opportunity of the gospel.

This is what new covenant people do. They participate in changing the world by praying as specifically as possible for the word to be preached, for the mystery of Christ to be explained.

Will you join me in this privilege? Please add me to your "missionary list." The success of the preaching relates to the sincerity of the praying.

Oswald Chambers: The Art Of Prayer

  "Mastering the art of prayer, like anything else, takes time. The time we give it will be a true measure of its importance to us. All...